torsdag, juni 18, 2009

Ungdomarna imponerar...

BORZOU DARAGAHI: The opposition definitely does feel like it has the momentum. And it's really curious that there doesn't seem to be guided from anywhere, because Mr. Mousavi seems to be under somewhat restricted status. He's not really out there kind of leading the charge.

These are kids who seem to be putting this all together. And today was really extraordinary in the way that the kids undermined the government's attempts at kind of countering their rally which they had scheduled a day earlier by quickly, within a couple hours, organizing a new rally away from the spot where the original rally was going to be held.

It was amazing that they did it; I'm still not sure how they did that. But it points to possibly a whole new political element in Iran.

Jag har själv funderat lite på hur dem lyckas med att sprida informationen. Jag tror inte att det bara är internet utan "mun mot mun" metoden spelar nog större roll där. Som sagt det är oerhört svårt att inte bli imponerad...

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