lördag, december 16, 2006

Bernhoff poppis hos regimen, lite om valet och en intervju med Batebis far..

Bernhoff poppis hos regimen...

Svenske Jan Bernhoff som deltog i regimens internationella förintelseförnekarkonferens samt hånat förintelsens offer genom att delta i den karikatyrtävling som regimen höll tidigare i år om förintelsen så är han numera ett stort namn i Iran. Idag så uppträdde Bernhoff i Iranskmedia där han sa att han fått sparken från sin skola för att ha deltagit i regimens konferens. Så nu har regimen fått sitt första ”offer” och kan försöka hävda att det är mullorna i Iran som står för den riktiga yttrandefriheten. Jag är lite intresserad av att få veta vad Bernhoff känner inför att liera sig med mordiska mullor?


Vallokalerna i Iran har nu stängt, men inga resultat beräknas vara klara förrän senare imorgon. Regimen hävdade att valdeltagandet var så högt att man var tvingade till att hålla vallokalerna öppna en ytterligare tvåtimmar för att alla skulle hinna rösta. Från andra håll kom det uppgifter om tomma vallokaler. ¨

Intervju med Ahmed Batebis far..

Ahmad Batebi was arrested during the student uprising at Tehran University in the summer of 1999 and subsequently sentenced to death. He was subjected to intense physical and psychological tortures while at the Towhid Prison, which has since been converted to a museum. During former reformist president Khatami, Batebi was given prison leave to go home for short periods. Since president Ahmadinejad assumed the presidency last year, he has not been allowed to go on home leave. In fact, he was returned to jail by agents of Ahmadinejad’s Ministry of Intelligence while on leave.

Prior to re-arresting Batebi, the Ministry of Intelligence also arrested Manouchehr and Akbar Mohammadi, who were also on leave. Akbar Mohammadi later lost his life under a hunger strike and Manouchehr Mohammadi was forced to flee Iran after attending his brother’s funeral.
Currently, Ahmad Batebi is being kept at Evin Prison’s infamous ward 209. According to statements made by his family members, he is not in good physical or mental health, and lacks the basic rights provided to normal prisoners. Rooz spoke to Ahmad’s father, Mohammad Baqer Batebi, and here are the excerpts of the talk.

Rooz (R): Mr. Batebi please tells us about your last meeting with Ahmad. Mohammad Baqer?

Batebi (MB): I saw Ahmad on Monday. I have to say that he was not in very good physical health. We are worried about him because he is being kept in ward 209 under very harsh conditions. Unfortunately he is even deprived of sunlight, and we do not know about his food or nutritional conditions. Prison officials refused to even accept the things that I had taken for him.

R: What was the reason behind Ahmad’s re-arrest? The judiciary’s spokesperson has said earlier that Ahmad has been sentenced to prison time and thus needs to return by law.

MB: The only thing that is not being observed here is the law. I don’t know why they are keeping Ahmad in a high-security section of the prison. If, as the judiciary’s spokesperson says, Ahmad has been sentenced to prison time, then why is he being kept at the interrogation ward 209 and not a regular ward? Ahmad was re-arrested 5 months ago. He spent 3 of those 5 months in solitary confinement and now he is being kept in Ward 209 under semi-solitary conditions. On the other hand, some are constantly attacking Ahmad outside of prison. These actions show that they want to get rid of. I am really worried. What has he done?

R: Have your efforts gotten you anywhere?

MB: We went to the Revolutionary Court and they said Ahmad is a prisoner and he should serve his full prison time. But we don’t understand why he is in the custody of the Ministry of Intelligence? People at the ministry ask us not to do anything. They say let us do our job and that they don’t mean harm. But if they don’t mean harm why is Ahmad in ward 209? They are playing with our emotions. Our son is slowly losing his life and no one takes responsibility for this. I really feel that they might do something to him this time. I can see in his eyes that he is asking for help but what can I do?

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