söndag, augusti 21, 2005

Ahmedinejad kritiserar väst och liberalism!

Idag presenterade den nye presidenten Ahmedinejad sina blivande ministrar inför parlamentet. Ahmedinejad bad parlamentet, dominerat av de konservativa, att godkänna samtliga av hans 21 ministrar. 18 av dessa har en bakgrund från landets revolutionärs garde och landets fruktade säkerhetstjänst. Samtliga ministrar kommer att med stor sannolikhet godkännas av parlamentet.

Därför valde Ahmedinejad att ägna sitt tal åt att kritisera stater som har ekonomiska band till Iran men som är kritiska till landets kärnvapenambitioner.

Ahmedinejad uppvisade stor okunnighet med följande uttalande:

“Right now, we are importing billions of dollars from certain countries, while they’re not buying our products or our oil”….“These countries must be grateful to us, because we are helping to revive their economies. Instead, they make demands and adopt a hostile posture against us on political issues”.

Ahmedinejad menade också att väst har fel när dem kritiserar Iran för brott mot mänskligarättigheter.

“They are not willing to recognise our legitimate rights and use different pretexts, such as human rights abuses or other false accusations. They go so far as to expect to meddle in our internal affairs and force us to remain silent on the major issues in the region and in the Muslim world. They expect us to support the world order that they like. They take the lead, in collusion with international bodies, in condemning us. This is unjust and cruel”.

Ahmedinejad hann också kritisera Liberalismen under sitt tal:

“Liberalism justifies and openly supports all negative values. It doesn’t tolerate the role of religion in politics. It wants culture and economy without religion. In our society, this would mean saying farewell to everything. Our nations will not tolerate this. Let all the enemies of our nation know that our nation is valuable because Islam is valuable.”

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